Resolvable Object List
GBIF Norway's resolver provides data published to by Norwegian publishers. Query by appending e.g.
`?scientificname=Galium+odoratum` to filter on scientific name. Add '_add_counts=true' to return the result count (not performant).
GET /?offset=10", "previous": "", "results": [ { "dwc:day": "9", "dwc:sex": "not recorded", "dwc:year": "2021", "dwc:genus": "Ophiura", "dwc:month": "12", "dwc:county": "Vestland", "dwc:country": "Norway", "dwc:modified": "2021-12-09 00:00:00.0000000", "dwc:recordedby": "Åkerblå AS", "dwc:identifiedby": "Åkerblå AS", "dwc:occurrenceid": "miljodir:vannmiljo:141233284", "dwc:basisofrecord": "HumanObservation", "dwc:catalognumber": "141233284", "dwc:stateprovince": "Bremanger", "dwc:collectioncode": "vannmiljo", "dwc:scientificname": "Ophiura", "dwc:decimallatitude": "61.899549824896987", "dwc:individualcount": "1", "dwc:institutioncode": "miljodir", "dwc:decimallongitude": "5.632220047700371", "dwc:maximumelevationinmeters": "0", "dwc:minimumelevationinmeters": "0", "dwc:coordinateuncertaintyinmeters": "1000", "owl:sameas": "miljodir:vannmiljo:141233284", "rdf:type": "occurrence", "dc:isPartOf": { "label": "Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets", "id": "", "gbif-dataset-type": "OCCURRENCE" }, "dc:dateRemoved": "2024-06-17" }, { "@id": "", "@context": { "dc": "", "dwc": "", "owl": "", "rdf": "" }, "rdf:type": "", "dwc:scientificname": "Hylaeus confusus", "dwc:basisofrecord": "preservedSpecimen", "dc:isPartOf": { "label": "Solitary bees collected in a large-scale field experiment in power line clearings, southeast Norway", "id": "", "gbif-dataset-type": "SAMPLING_EVENT" } }, { "@id": "", "@context": { "dc": "", "dwc": "", "owl": "", "rdf": "" }, "rdf:type": "", "dwc:scientificname": "Sylvicola cinctus", "dwc:basisofrecord": "MaterialSample", "dc:isPartOf": { "label": "National insect monitoring in Norway", "id": "", "gbif-dataset-type": "SAMPLING_EVENT" }, "dc:dateRemoved": "2024-04-08" }, { "dwc:day": "9", "dwc:sex": "not recorded", "dwc:year": "2021", "dwc:genus": "Paradiopatra", "dwc:month": "12", "dwc:county": "Vestland", "dwc:country": "Norway", "dwc:modified": "2021-12-09 00:00:00.0000000", "dwc:recordedby": "Åkerblå AS", "dwc:identifiedby": "Åkerblå AS", "dwc:occurrenceid": "miljodir:vannmiljo:141233287", "dwc:basisofrecord": "HumanObservation", "dwc:catalognumber": "141233287", "dwc:stateprovince": "Bremanger", "dwc:collectioncode": "vannmiljo", "dwc:scientificname": "Paradiopatra fiordica", "dwc:decimallatitude": "61.896749809023852", "dwc:individualcount": "1", "dwc:institutioncode": "miljodir", "dwc:decimallongitude": "5.6343701708219216", "dwc:maximumelevationinmeters": "0", "dwc:minimumelevationinmeters": "0", "dwc:coordinateuncertaintyinmeters": "1000", "owl:sameas": "miljodir:vannmiljo:141233287", "rdf:type": "occurrence", "dc:isPartOf": { "label": "Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - 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